This is a short, one-day course that emphasizes the practical aspects of porphyry copper geology. The objective is to provide basic geological tools to be able to determine, in a fast and cost-effective way the different exposure levels within an ideal column of a porphyry copper system and its exploration potentials. The emphasis is on Andean calc-alkaline porphyry, with selective examples from other world-class fringes.
The main topics to be discussed include:
review of the idealized column of copper porphyry type systems, from its roof to its base; alteration styles and mineralization, in both, traditional systems and in anomalous ones; Telescoping of the hydrothermal system: evidence, causes, intensity (incipient, moderate and extreme); model variations (systems with a predominance of EDM type veinlets; porphyries rich in gold; hypogene enrichment); emplacement styles; importance of hypogene geometry in the generation of supergene mineralization.
In addition, the course will include a practical part, so participants are invited to bring their own samples of interest to be analyzed together with the instructor.
This course is for young professionals or geoscientists who want to learn about basic porphyry geology.